Group runs, group walks, and team training programs can help you stay motivated and make new friends. But sometimes, it helps to have a personalized training program too.

Whether you want to train for your first 5K, increase your distance, prepare for a certain event, or get faster, a customized training plan can help you achieve your goals.

KC Express coach Helen Wilms is available to write personalized training programs for KCE members. Just download and complete the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) assessment form and send it to Helen. She’ll get back to you to schedule an appointment and create your plan.

The program is open to all KCE members – runners and walkers of all distances and speeds.


Free to members. (Membership is $25/year. Sign up here.)


Helen Wilms is well-known in the KC running community for her extensive experience, her warm and friendly presence, and her professional coaching skills. She is a certified coach with RRCA and Good Form Running, and she has many years of experience coaching Leukemia & Lymphoma/Team in Training, Girls on the Run, and KCE.

Helen says, “My life motto is literally running in stride, making time to run every day. I love to inspire others to embrace running as a way of living and breathing. I’m excited to motivate, support, love and cheer on the women of KC Express!”

Training for a 5k doesn’t have to be hard! All it takes is a good pair of shoes and a willingness to get out there and run or walk regularly at your own pace.

To help you get started, KC Express created a The Beginner’s 5K Training Guide. Find it at here.

Time to Lace Up!

Our free guide offers a schedule for walkers, walk-to-runners, and runners.

Nice and Easy

There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all training program, so feel free to tinker with our plan to make it work for you. The goal is to help you slowly build up to the 5k distance through easy, consistent training runs and walks. This will help your muscles and tendons adapt to increased activity, so you can avoid injury and make regular running or walking a part of your life for years to come.

Come Run/Walk With Us

As always, you’re welcome to join KCE and participate with our Saturday Run or Saturday Walk groups, or at our Tuesday Walk/Run. Our members know that running or walking is a great way to get fit, feel better, and make new friends. Let us help you get hooked on an active lifestyle, too!

The KC Express 5K Club is a friendly run/walk training program for women of all fitness levels to prepare for the 5K distance. Last year, about 40 women signed up!

Who: You, your friends, women and girls (12 & up) who want to train for a first 5K or a faster 5K!

Training groups are:
1) Walkers who want to increase distance or speed walking a 5K.
2) Walkers/joggers who want to transition to running a 5K.
3) Runners who want to run a faster 5K.

What: We’ll prepare together with training sessions once a week for six weeks (Sept 12 -Oct 17) in a comfortable, women-only environment. Then we’ll do a series of three 5K’s together over three months (Oct, Nov, and Dec.) Our experienced coach, Helen Wilms, leads all sessions.

Program includes:

  • Weekly group runs/walks and conditioning drills to improve form, cadence, strength, recovery, pace, and more.
  • Goal-setting: After the initial 6-weeks of training, we’ll run or walk three 5K’s together, extending the group support and accountability over the next three months.
  • Good company! Camaraderie with other enthusiastic women adds fun and motivation.

When: Tuesday evenings for 6 weeks, Sept 12 – Oct 17, from 6 – 7 pm

Where: Meadowbrook Park, 91st & Nall, Overland Park, KS

Cost:  $25/six sessions, plus race entry fees. Fee includes a women’s cut t-shirt and KCE membership through the end of 2023.

Extras: You’ll collect some new t-shirts, awesome medals, and LOTS of friendships.

Target Events: You can train for any 5K, but we hope you’ll join us for these selected goal races we’ll do as a group:

October — The Graveyard Run, Sat, Oct 28: A small race on paved paths through the historic Elmwood Cemetery; wear costumes for more fun!

November — Gobbler Grind: Sun, Nov. 19, in Corporate Woods, Overland Park, KS

December —  Jingle Bell Run, Sun, Dec 3. a benefit for the Arthritis Foundation, Chicken N Pickle, 5901 W. 135th Street
Overland Park, KS. Learn more:


REGISTER HERE!  (select 2023 5K Club under “Available Memberships”)

Questions on registration? Contact: KC Express Membership

Questions on 5K Club training? Contact: Helen Wilms

Training Plan:

Living in Vitality (LIV) Training Team

Each year, Kansas City Express partners with AdventHeath for the LIV Training Team (formerly Women’s Training Team). This six-week outdoor series helps women and girls (ages 12+) of all ability levels prepare for the Kansas City Express Mother’s Day 5K in a comfortable, supportive, women-only environment.

Each week you’ll get tips on relevant fitness topics and then join other women for a walk/run. KC Express members lead groups of different paces, so you can build your fitness week by week.

  • Dates: Tuesdays, April 2 through May 7, from 6-7:30 pm
  • Location: Meadowbrook Park, Shelter 3, 9101 Nall Ave, Prairie Village
  • Jogging strollers welcome, as long as the child will safely stay within the stroller for the duration of the class
  • Cost: $30/six sessions, including t-shirt and nightly gifts.

Get more info and register HERE



Group runs, group walks, and team training programs can help you stay motivated and make new friends. But sometimes, it helps to have a personalized training program too.

Whether you want to train for your first 5K, increase your distance, prepare for a certain event, or get faster, a customized training plan can help you achieve your goals.

KC Express coach Helen Wilms is available to write personalized training programs for KCE members. Just download and complete the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) assessment form and send it to Helen. She’ll get back to you to schedule an appointment and create your plan.

The program is open to all KCE members – runners and walkers of all distances and speeds.


Free to members. (Membership is $25/year. Sign up here.)


Helen Wilms is well-known in the KC running community for her extensive experience, her warm and friendly presence, and her professional coaching skills. She is a certified coach with RRCA and Good Form Running, and she has many years of experience coaching Leukemia & Lymphoma/Team in Training, Girls on the Run, and KCE.

Helen says, “My life motto is literally running in stride, making time to run every day. I love to inspire others to embrace running as a way of living and breathing. I’m excited to motivate, support, love and cheer on the women of KC Express!”

Training for a 5k doesn’t have to be hard! All it takes is a good pair of shoes and a willingness to get out there and run or walk regularly at your own pace.

To help you get started, KC Express collaborated with AdventHealth to create The Beginner’s 5K Training Guide. Download it at MyHealthKC.

Time to Lace Up!
Our free guide includes a customizable 12-week training plan, plus tips on:

– How to fuel and hydrate
– What to wear
– Staying motivated
– Local 5ks and running stores

Bonus: Free Coaching Session
When you read the guide, you’ll also receive an offer for a free consultation with our in-house coach, Helen Wilms. (Details on p. 8 of the guide.)

Nice and Easy
There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all training program, so feel free to tinker with our plan to make it work for you. The goal is to help you slowly build up to the 5k distance through easy, consistent training runs and walks. This will help your muscles and tendons adapt to increased activity, so you can avoid injury and make regular running or walking a part of your life for years to come.

Come Run/Walk With Us
As always, you’re welcome to join KCE and participate with our Saturday Run or Saturday Walk groups. Our members know that running or walking is a great way to get fit, feel better, and make new friends. Let us help you get hooked on an active lifestyle, too!

We’re proud to collaborate with AdventHealth on the free guide and to offer the free coaching session. It’s all part of our club’s mission to educate and motivate women to improve their health through fitness.

Our BRAG program can help you train for a 10K (6.2 miles) or Half Marathon (13.1 miles). Or join us just to get into a regular running/walking routine. Together, we can make running and walking more enjoyable, so you can reach your goals.


Saturdays from June through October at 6:45 a.m.


A new location around the metro each month (Feel free to hang out afterward for coffee, breakfast and conversation.)


$40 + race entry fee; Fee includes:

  • Saturday morning group runs/walks with  on-course support (water and Gatorade)
  • Weekly training plan that safely builds  mileage to 10K or Half Marathon distance
  • Guidance from Head Coach Helen Wilms,  with help from KC Express coaches/ mentors
  • Women’s-cut BRAG team tech t-shirt
  • Connections with new and seasoned  runners/walkers
  • KC Express membership, including  discounts at runner specialty stores

KC Express is excited to announce that Helen Wilms will return as our Head Coach in 2018. Helen is well-known in the KC running community for her extensive experience, her warm and friendly presence, and her professional coaching skills. She will be assisted by KCE members who are RRCA trained coaches.

Goal Events

You can train for any race, but our schedule is designed for the Plaza 10K (Sept) and the KC Half Marathon (Oct).

Questions? Contact Coach Helen
Ready to register? Registration will open in April 2018.
Make this the summer you reach your running or walking goals. Become a part of KC Express, a group of active women who love to run and walk together.
Join the KC Express BRAG team today!

Each year, Kansas City Express partners with Shawnee Mission Health for the Living in Vitality (LIV) Women’s Training Team.

This six-week outdoor series helps women and girls (ages 12+) of all ability levels prepare for the Kansas City Express Mother’s Day 5K in a comfortable, supportive, women-only environment.

Each week you’ll get tips on relevant fitness topics and then join other women for a walk/run. KC Express members lead groups of different paces, so you can build your fitness week by week.

Many new walkers and runners join us every year, and many others come back again and again for the fun, support, and fitness.


Tuesdays, April 3 – May 8 from 6:00-7:30 p.m.


New Location! Shawnee Mission Health – Overland Park
7820 W 165th Street
Overland Park, KS 66223


$30/six sessions, including t-shirt and nightly gifts

Details and Registration

Visit Shawnee Mission Health

We offer speed training during the summers. Check back in mid-spring for details!

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