Special Features


Every participant will receive the 2025 finisher’s charm—a special keepsake to celebrate your achievement! Take a look at some of the charming designs from past races!







To “grab & go” after the race, we’ll have a tasty treats and a bottle of water.  We know water bottles are not “green” but they are portable to get you rehydrated; please recycle in our bins or at home!










We’ll have a colorful “selfie station” with fun props.  We hope you will share your pics afterwards on FB.

“Momism” Posters

We add some on-course entertainment by putting posters filled with funny or inspirational “Momism” quotes all along the route.  As part of our “going green” efforts, we’ve crafted reusable signs.

    • Cash prizes for the top three finishers and top master (40+).
    • Beautiful custom acrylic age group awards.
    • Age groups are: 10 & under, 11–14, 15–19, 20–24, 25–29, 30–34,
      35–39, 40–44, 45–49, 50–54, 55–59, 60–64, 65–69, 70–74
      75–79, 80–84, 85–89, 90+.
  • 2025 National Anthem Singer

    We are delighted to welcome back our own KCE member Nancy W to sing the national anthem.  She belts out a beautiful a cappella rendition, then catches her breath and jumps in to run the race!









    Kids Activities

    Our fabulous balloon artists will be back this year at the Famly Fun Tent!

    Free Race Photos

    Our official event photographers will record your race, taking pictures on the course and at the finish.  All photos are FREE!


    This fun tradition continues with colorful or inspiring decorations on the doors.  New this year, we will have a small supply of complimentary feminine hygiene products inside our potties for those in need.  You’re welcome! Why did it take us 20 years to think of this?

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